University Apply

If the students register as an OSSD student in Oak Valley Academy, we will help student to apply the universities in Ontario through Ontario universities application centre, referred to as OUAC, which is the application center of Ontario University in Canada. We will provide guidance to students regarding the application process and the uploading of marks if required.
OUAC mainly has two application methods, namely 105 channels and 101 channels, of which 105 channels are subdivided into 105f and 105d. Channel 101 is mainly for Ontario high school students to apply for Ontario University, 105d for Canadian high school students in non-Ontario, and 105f for domestic students. 
At Oak Valley Academy, we will provide:

● Tailor-made academic plans for registered students, including applications from Canadian universities and colleges.
● Online guide to students to complete university applications, and help students choose suitable schools and majors. 
● Academic documents such as Canadian education system, Canadian secondary school course selection requirements and university applications.
● The services fee is 180 CAD.

First Name *

Last Name *

Gender *

Passport Number *

Email *

Telephone *

What University do you want to apply for? No.1 *

What majors do you want to apply for? No.1 *

What University do you want to apply for? No.2 *

What majors do you want to apply for? No.2 *

What University do you want to apply for? No.3 *

What majors do you want to apply for? No.3 *

What University do you want to apply for? No.4 *

What majors do you want to apply for? No.4 *

What University do you want to apply for? No.5 *

What majors do you want to apply for? No.5 *

If you need university apply services, please fill the following form and submit online.