• Provide students with professional high school education in Ontario, Canada, and humanistic care for students, help students to achieve their learning goals. 


    Provide an excellent academic foundation for students. Based on the academic standards of good practice in online education, provide teaching strategies applicable to students. 

    Our Goals

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About Us

What is OSSD

The Ontario Secondary School Diploma (OSSD) is a diploma granted to secondary school graduates in the Canadian province of Ontario. It is one of the world's high-quality, most authoritative and most advanced non-examination-oriented Secondary Education systems...

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Why Oak Valley Academy

We offer multiple courses of secondary school from Grade 9 to Grade 12, including ESL courses and IELTS courses. We make it easy for you to navigate your learning journey, and we offer the personal support to help you earn your credits and Ontario Secondary School Diploma.

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  • The Oak Valley Academy trains students to face the ever-changing world with continuous curiosity, creative problem-solving mentality, global literacy, superb cross-cultural and interpersonal skills and critical thinking skills, and strives to train students to become world citizens with confidence, ideals, creativity, integrity, social responsibility and leadership.

    Our Mission 

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Student Voice

I am so lucky that I can study at Oak Valley Academy (OVA).
The OVA focuses on the quality of the student’s work, motivates and challenges us to further develop our knowledge and skills.
The OVA also recognizes that which the student has done well and identifies what has been misunderstood or not understood.


University Offers

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Oak Valley Academy